Thursday, July 27, 2006

Juggling with Unicode

Got a few tools, apps. for unicode writing, keyboard switching, transliterating.

1) THis is indic language script writer for firefox
2) An inspirational offspring for the indicime is which uses RTS(Rice Transliteration Standard) convention for transliteration.
3) This makes u switch keyboards [and integrate into apps.: as given in it's page]. This also has some resources for developers like developing new keyboard layouts, etc.

Logging off.....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Long time, no see

Used to get this message from chinese chat friends when I used to meet them online after a period .. A first glance made me think that the phrase is not correct grammatically and even said so to them. One of the them even defended her stand but I wasn't sure if it was correct.

I was watching 'Spiderman' for 3 time and heard this phrase when mary meets Peter Parker after a couple of weeks and says this 'Hi peter, long time, no see'