Saturday, January 05, 2008

Fathers and Mothers

Prithvi forwarded the below image about the computer scientists(involving mainly the inventors of various programming languages). The original forward:

In the forwarded mail, found a comment from Rajita about the lack of female personalities in the list.

Tried to search about female computer scientists and at last found some. In the process, got to know this incredible lady(Ellen Spertus) and xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. Here’s a report on "Why Are There So Few Female Computer Scientists?" by Ellen covering societal factors, advantages for women in computers field, recommendations to this problem among other areas covered.

And finally some mothers..

Grace Murrya Hopper


Invented the computer compiler, which revolutionized computer programming. She and her team also developed the first user-friendly business computer programming language, COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language)


Augusta Ada Byron(1815-1852)

Programming Language ADA is named after her. She wrote many complicated programs of her own, the most complex of these being one to calculate the sequence of Bernoulli numbers. For this reason she has earned the reputation for being the first computer programmer. (Though, of course, Charles Babbage and others also had written “programs” for the never completed Analytical Engine.)


Dr. Adele Goldberg

Co-Developer of SmallTalk programming Language

Irma M. Wyman

First female CIO of Honeywell

Frances E. Allen

First female to win the Turing Award for her work on compilers, code optimization, and parallelization

Jeannette Wing

Developed the Liskov substitution principle(remember ‘Principles of Compiler Design’ ??)

Ellen Spertus

Part-time google engineer and… Sexiest Geek Alive-2001(Read her funny page here- and her talent video is here-

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